MTB Race Information
Enjoy this incredible course located in Fall River Wisconsin
The Englewood Open is a category 1 XCO and category 3 XCC UCI event that will be held May 2 and 3, 2025 in Fall River WI. WORS series racing will be on May 4, 2025 and is a USAC points only event. Online registration can be found at Bikereg.com, and we encourage racers to register online before 5PM, May 1st. On-site registration will be an additional fee (+$20) and racers will not be eligible for call-ups. We recommend racers bring cash or check as credit card payment may be difficult with our remote location. On-site registration closes 1/2 hour before each event.
Course Description
The 4.9 mile course at Englewood Grass Farm has been designed and constructed over the past 12 years specifically for cross county racing. It takes full advantage of the natural features of the property. Features include punchy climbs and technical rock gardens, with plenty of berms and jumps to keep racers on their toes while battling for position. Special attention has been given to create plenty of passing opportunities throughout the course, which allows safe and fair racing for all participants.

Technical Guide

About the Venue
The Englewood Open takes place on an active, family owned private farm. To learn more about Englewood Grass Farm, visit englewoodgrassfarm.com.
We are asking everyone to follow a few simple rules to make sure we can keep this party going for years to come.
Do not touch the fences, they will shock you.
No Pets Allowed. Because we are concerned for the safety of all our guests and our livestock, we respectfully ask that you leave your pets at home. Also please leave the cows alone and do not open any gates.
No glass bottles. Broken glass is very dangerous to cattle and very hard to clean up.
Please keep our farm clean and use the trash bins we will have placed everywhere throughout the venue. We also ask that you leave your race flyers at home.
Please do not throw used gel packs on the course. Cattle like sugar and electrolytes too, and plastic wrappers can block their digestive tract. This has been an ongoing problem, and if racers are observed intentionally littering, a 5 min penalty will be added to their time. This penalty will be lifted after the offending racer has performed 30 minutes of course cleanup after their race.
Onsite Concessions
Available for purchase throughout the weekend featuring Englewood grass-fed beef burgers, snacks, and drinks.
Cash is preferred as it helps us to keep prices lower and serve you faster.
Tourism Guide
Madison has many options for lodging as well, but it is recommended to look for lodging on the north and east side, as drive times can be unpredictable around the city. There are many AirBnB options nearby as well.
Food & Drink
Rough camping is available on-site, with portable toilets provided. Tent camping is $20 per car and campers/trailers for $30 ($10 for additional vehicles). Camp fires are NOT permitted, tiki torches are permitted.
Also, no pets or glass bottles allowed.